You'll therefore need to construct a filter that looks like this: Table.SelectRows(cube, each Cube.AttributeMemberId() = 'MemberId') Composition with 'and' and 'or' is also supported.
Current 'Linking-Device 1' choices: 1) CFP, 2) YFP, 3) FRET, 4) wheels open, 5) Cy5, 6) Texas Red, 7) GFP, 8) ICG, 9) wheels open, 10) wheels open Because this is a complicated thing to remember, we've added extra settings under 'Linking-devices 1' automating the filter wheel to allow standard visualization of standard cubes other than YFP/CFP.Nikon Fluorescence FITC Filter Cube 96107M 31001 308, Chroma.